The Hobbit Wall Decals & Giveaway!

Celebrate the DVD and Blu-ray release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with wall decals from RoomMates Decor!
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Image: Mandy Horetski

Celebrate the DVD and Blu-ray release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with wall decals from RoomMates Decor!

I was very excited when I got the chance to try out some of the wall decals from The Hobbit. I loved the movie and saw it several times in the theater. When I got the decals, I was a little surprised at how big they were. It took me a little bit to figure out where to put them, but finally my husband suggested the wall in our bedroom.

My husband and daughter helped me put the decals up. The decal that has the whole company including Bilbo, Gandalf, and the Dwarves was the hardest one to put up because it was so large. Once it was on the wall, we worked on getting the air bubbles out. Thankfully these wall decals are able to be taken off and moved. It stuck very well back onto the wall no matter how many times we had to move it, which made the whole process a lot easier.

The Bilbo decal was easier to put on the wall. He came in pieces and there were instructions on what order to put the pieces up. My daughter, who is four, helped out too by sticking the small decals on the wall. My husband did move the ones she put on a little once she was out of the room so they would actually be straight.

The wall in my bedroom looks great and it gives me a little Middle-earth in my house. I especially liked that quotes were included with both sets of decals. It adds a bit of the book to the theme. I would highly recommend these wall decals to anyone who is looking for an unique way to decorate their home.

From now until April 12, 2013, you can enter to win a full set of wall decals as well as the Blu-ray Combo Pack of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. You can learn more about this giveaway at RoomMates Decor's website.

Note: I received a copy of these decals for review purposes.