An unlucky skydiver collided with a small airplane in Florida, but everyone walked away
Tim Telford via Polk County Sheriffs Department/AP
An 87-year-old pilot flying a small Cessna practicing his take-off and landing maneuvers in Mulberry, Florida, collided with a 49-year-old parachutist. As the plane's passenger-side wing got tangled in the parachute's string, the plane was sent spinning to the ground — while jerking the skydiver through the air. Miraculously, neither the skydiver nor the pilot were seriously injured.
Photographer Tim Telford captured the whole sequence.
"The plane caught the side of the canopy, flipped the plane 180 degrees and flipped the skydiver into the air," Telford said. "You heard the airplane hit the parachute, which sounded like you falling on your face into your pillow; a 'woof' sound."
Tim Telford via Polk County Sheriffs Department/AP
Tim Telford via Polk County Sheriffs Department/AP