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    Best regards,


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  1. Conundrum

    Conundrum Amateur

    Aug 30, 2006
    I'm trying to edit one of my stories to correct some spelling mistakes and a few minor details, but when I submit the edits, I get the message "This is not your storie" (sic) and the changes don't go through. It's been like this for a few months now.

    Is this a known issue or is there something borked with my account?
  2. bladeway

    bladeway Porn Star

    May 15, 2006
    Pfft! Good luck!
    For nearly a year now in this forum, i have followed authors' struggle to gain the ability to edit their submitted stories. All have led to failure, as far as i can tell. I have tried and failed. Tried again and again, failing each subsequent attempt.

    Curiously, the format seems to allow for it, even going as far as asking for a reason the story is being changed. Possibly, the staff is simply too overwhelmed by new submissions to have any time to deal with changes to old ones.

    I have seen one extreme method work. Ask for your story to be deleted. This is no easy task, lots of sternly worded posts in the forum works best. And then re-submit your editted version.
    good luck, and let us know if something does work!
  3. XGamer

    XGamer Porn Star

    Jan 17, 2007
    I am not sure.. if this could work.. but.. submit your newly edited one... and delete your old one?

  4. Conundrum

    Conundrum Amateur

    Aug 30, 2006
    From what I hear, deleting isn't working well either. Plus I'd rather not lose the comments and rating over some simple spelling mistakes.
  5. bladeway

    bladeway Porn Star

    May 15, 2006
    Can you imagine the deluge of work that would swamp xnxx if they actually tried to process all the editing that the authors here wanted done? i imagine it would effect the amount of new material they try to post daily.
  6. Conundrum

    Conundrum Amateur

    Aug 30, 2006
    Perhaps, but then why not simply remove the edit capability altogther? Right now it appears as if it should work and is just broken.