When you say the first armor doesn't work, do you mean the Sorceress Bern costume from the cash shop or a different one?
That's the one - viewed either from character creation or from the cash shop.
When you say the first armor doesn't work, do you mean the Sorceress Bern costume from the cash shop or a different one?
I need help guys, and i hope someone can help me figure this out. I followed everything in the guide, but i just cant get it to work. I added
SorceressLumik (n).7z and Nickyworld (3).7z and RangerIgnis (n).7z, and as you can see on the pics only on ranger i can see nipples, and is full naked. I want to be with clothes and to see a little, not full naked. Also i am a little confused on what .bat file i should run in Patcher folder. Thank you. I mainly want it to work for my sorcerer. To look like in the picture posted in the guide.
P.S. Sorry for low ress pics..
If you're playing the game at low resolution that's the exact reason you're not seeing any mods.
BDO provides two sets of textures for armors/costumes and so far I've only been providing mods for the higher resolution.
Of course it's totally possible to do the exact same mods for the lower resolution textures but of course it takes time to do it and I didn't think there would be much need for them.
I changed it to high... And still got the same result.
I don't know for sure, but from your screen shots it looks as if you're running Cerephono's mod which simply makes every armor naked, so any modded armors you have will simply get swapped out for nude so you can't see them.
It also looks like your set of basebody nudes is incomplete.
If you read through my topic here you'll see I now use the Abropo modding method for my mods and the links for getting that are included (it works very similar to the Cerephono method for using it) and I have a complete set of basebody nudes available for download as well if you want to use them.
Interesting question, the Cash shop outfit with the wings. is there a way to make the skirt longer? I'd really love for that to extend down to around the calves. so it looks less liek a night gown. I'm using a tall dark Valkyrie it would really make her look and feel like an amazon. looking for how to's or a straight up mod of it :P
La la la ... oopsie!! The Bern seems to be missing from that pack
Try throwing the files from SorcBern.7z in your Resorep "modded" folder and see if that helps.
I've uploaded a full set of my BDO mods for anyone who would like to see the game world as I like it.
I'll update it with new work from time to time.
You can get it here:
NickyWorld BDO
Just remember the Abropo method comes with varying amounts of skin poking through clothing, so not everything looks perfect. Solutions for this problem are being looked into.
I have a question, can we remove the stockings from the base Inner of some class like Ranger and Sorceress? I think that the base Inner is better without stockings but don't know if we can remove them or not and if yes, how can we do that?
Until the clipping is fixed is it possible to use this mod that you created with the durability swap? I kinda liked how that looked due to less clipping but i really like our lack of leg armor and what that you use in the new one.
Sadly the answer is no (well you could use it, but you'd be disappointed with the results).
What you've hit on is pretty much the exact reason why I moved over to the Abropo method even though there's clipping issues.
Basically the limitations of the durability swap method started to come clear when I began removing leg armors/pants and found no skin mesh underneath.
Whilst there was still more skin mesh there than with undamaged armors, too much was still getting clipped from the basebody so I couldn't really mod how I wanted.
Moving to the Abropo method always gives me a full basebody texture which allows me to mod exactly how I want, and I just do my best to work around the issue with skin poking through (and hoping a solution to this can be found soon).
I did turn it on but yea it doesn't really do much anymore. The biggest issue i see is the boots. Not sure why but seeing feet push through the shoes annoys me alot. Is there a way to remove it just for that part? Deleting something out of the resorep mod folder maybe? Or would it be a matter of going in and changing the skin texture files. AKA way more work then its worth.
Would it be doable to just remove shoes all together? On the witch if nothing else. Personally i don't mind them standing a bit off the ground and on their toes. If anything the idea sounds kinda neat. Do you think that would potentially easier?You can do footwear swaps now thanks to BlackFireBR's excellent work which you can read about here:
Black Desert - How to Swap or Remove Armors and Underwear | Undertow
It would involve swapping out the footwear on armors where the feet are poking through for ones that don't, and I've already seen plenty of examples of boots/shoes where there is no skin poking through.
Similarly, for the worst offending armors, a complete swap can be made to ones that don't have serious clipping issues.
This second idea is kind of where I'll be going down the line if a solution to the clipping with the Abropo method isn't found.
For example, I've made my Witch Agerian armor look like this rather than the old sacking that she used to wear, by doing an armor swap and modding it:
Would it be doable to just remove shoes all together? On the witch if nothing else. Personally i don't mind them standing a bit off the ground and on their toes. If anything the idea sounds kinda neat. Do you think that would potentially easier?
I will check out the link and see what i can figure out, i never was very good at modding though.
Looks like the creator of that thread has a file to do just what i wanted. All shoes and boots removed but the leg pieces are still there where they were needed. Pants removed from your files. But boots removed with his (except the silver embroidered boots it looks like but that's ok.) Should work out great.
Now i just need to figure out how to swap some armor possibly add dye so i can have my cash shop outfit and save myself 30 bucks. I have pieced together a decent looking set with the cash shop but too poor at the moment to buy it. So this might work out well.
Thanks for sharing the post.
Edited my post to include a couple screens. Think it does need a little more modifications though. When i changed out the multiplemodeldesc file with the no boots one i noticed a few bugs. When i fish the UI doesn't show right. Not sure if that did it but that would be annoying. So i wanna try coping the old one into the new one.When you've got it all worked out, if you want it modding just show me what you got and I'll see what I can do :)