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  1. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    After discovering their admin password was p9ssw0rd, and hilarity ensues. This was one of the screen caps taken last night as it was unfolding.


    And on this thread on Reddit you'll find a LOT more screen caps taken as the site was changing very rapidly. Admittedly it was immature, it probably would have been longer lived had they made subtle changes or entered a satirical article here or there and let it go unnoticed for a while instead of all out graffit, spray cans a'blazin'... but it was still hilarious to me lol.

  2. DarthMorgh

    DarthMorgh The Darth Knight

    Dec 27, 2011
    I don't see how this is funny at all...I can understand if you don't agree with their views but what gives anyone the right to hack an account and destroy a group's public image?
  3. McDick

    McDick Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2010
    All it really demonstrates is that the Tea Party's opposition tends to be criminals with no respect for the law and no sense of decency or honesty.
  4. deleted user 1548766

    deleted user 1548766 Porn Star Banned!

    Feb 27, 2007
    A.k.a. Obama voters. :neutral:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2012
  5. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    You apparently have no prior knowledge of 4chan or what they do over there lol. Check out the site some times, but be warned, it's not pretty. Those guys are some sick fucks. But like I said, although immature, I found this hilarious. We probably don't have the same sense of humor. The comments on Reddit nearly had me peeing my pants I was laughing so hard last night. The best part of it all for me was them pinning it on 9gag lol.
  6. DarthMorgh

    DarthMorgh The Darth Knight

    Dec 27, 2011
    No I don't know anything about 4Chan...I've been out of the states for half a year now.
  7. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    Do you know what time the Narwhal bacons at least?
  8. DarthMorgh

    DarthMorgh The Darth Knight

    Dec 27, 2011
  9. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    Reminds me of back when George W took office and the former administration staff removed all the W's from the keyboards. :eek:
  10. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    Haha that's pretty harmless, and funny. I can appreciate a good prank. This of course was far more aggressive then that, and I cannot repeat enough, childish, but I still found some hilarity in it. I think it helps in finding the funny in the situation if you're aware of 9gag, Reddit, or 4chan though.
    P.S. if any one does know what time the Narwhal bacons, inbox me.
  11. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    I don't have the answer to that question MS but I do have something I wouldn't mind putting in your box. :eek: :p ;) :rose:

    PS ... hacking is bad. :rolleyes:
  12. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    Haha I'm hoping some one on here will know :)

    The only thing I didn't find funny in all of this though was that they found the list of donors and posted their full names, emails and occupations. That was crossing the line to me, but the problem is, 4chan has no line. They can't even remember where the line was, they've never seen it. But the rest of it was honestly hilarious and at the end of the day just words.

    By the way, on the actual tea party website, I don't know how much of it they've fixed but 4chan changed it so most of the links would send you to gay porn sites, gore sites or things like lemonparty.org or pictures of a blue waffle lol.
  13. McDick

    McDick Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2010

    Actually they destroyed thousands of dollars worth of taxpayer funded government property with their pranks and vandalism.
  14. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    Blah blah blah... fucking whiners. Some people will bitch about anything. Some how I doubt removing the W's from keyboards destroyed thousands of dollars of anything.
  15. McDick

    McDick Porn Star

    Jan 16, 2010

    After removing the "W" keys they gauged out the area underneath where the "W" key was so it couldn't be simply put back. It destroyed the keyboards and they had to be replaced. They also cut numerous data lines which ran through the walls so the incoming adminstration couldn't set up computers in the various offices. Contracters had to be hired to run computer data lines through the walls again. Then there was the tearing Presidential seals off of walls and doors which then had to be replaced by contracters.

    To some people this was a waste of taxpayer money. To others it was just Blah Blah Blah.
  16. L+R

    L+R Porn Star Suspended!

    May 7, 2011

    Watching 4chan get investigated for illegal hacking and raked over the coals, now that would be entertaining :excited:
  17. justpassingthru

    justpassingthru No Rest For The Wicked Banned!

    Jun 11, 2011
    I hear you but when you compare it to the waste in the White House with frivolous expenditures like weekend trips half way around the world with an entourage of 50 just to spend the day on the beach to get away from the riggers of home ... it's pretty much a wash.
  18. MissSharon

    MissSharon Porno Junky

    Apr 4, 2012
    Actually, agreed lol. The whole situation is hilarious, and I'm kind of surprised there's not a single news story on it.

    Again, agreed, that was exactly my thinking on it. It's a minimal price compared to some of the bullshit expenses that are racked up every day in the government.
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I would love to hack a teabagger website, and post stories about how Obama is the anti Christ, how the Democrats knowingly cooperate with Satan, and so on. :excited:
  20. foreverhorny18

    foreverhorny18 Porn Star

    Sep 5, 2010
    Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you have no sense of humour.