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Ever had to have sex to get out of trouble

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. LilSub69

    LilSub69 Sex Lover

    Jul 14, 2020
    When I was a sophomore I was sucking cock in school and the janitors found me. I begged them not to tell and they said only if I followed them downstairs , long story short that’s when I had my first (and second lol) Black cock along with my first double penetration
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    1. lastkiss555
      lastkiss555, Oct 5, 2020
      phxbi_bear80 likes this.
  2. Bigkahuna9

    Bigkahuna9 Newcumer

    Aug 26, 2020
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Bigkahuna9

    Bigkahuna9 Newcumer

    Aug 26, 2020
  4. phxbi_bear80

    phxbi_bear80 Abu el Banat

    May 29, 2019
    When I was young, my best friends dad wanted to force me to suck his BBC. He didn't know I was bi and wanting to do it for a long time
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  5. dikmac22

    dikmac22 Sex Machine

    Oct 5, 2020
    I didn't say I would have sex to get out of trouble. Though, I was in a "tight-spot"/a bit of trouble for sure I was stranded, after back-to-back nights in 2 different jails, for 2 different charges, the last one being in Myrtle Beach, SC. Next morning they set me loose walking the strip, hungover, seperated from the vehicle & driver that got me there, hungry, and broke. Walked alll day and alll night, and now it is prime time for 9-5 traffic going home. I cross an intersection (barely crossed I remember it felt like). Just as I am about to walk onto Interstate 85 North, a car stops and picks me up. I'm so tired, feet blistered, I am thinking Thank Ya Lord for Small Favors. Then he starts talking. I forget about what, but, it was more about How. The tuning fork in my "third eye's" mind was picking up an undertone of gayness. I wasn't entertaining thoughts of bisexuality and I wasn't gay. I am a heterosexual. He is insisting on feeding me, and for to be cleaned up, no doubt I was in need of cleaning.
    I knew I was out of one tight-spot only to be in another one. Watches me undress, I shower, he takes clothes to wash. Out of shower, laydown on bed, I am out, but not for long, he wakes me tells me he snapped a few pics of my naked ass, and now he expects me to suck his dick. I did somewhat suck on his dick, quit after about 5-10minutes of "suck-suck-stop". He sounds displeased, and I thought "oh well", so he gets up goes to the foot of the bed asking me to scooch down closer to him. I sure of what was next, and sure enough, he puts my feet on his chest and starts to put his cock in my ass. Slow to get to balls-deep in me, fk'd me for about 8-10minutes before he dumps his load in my ass. I start to want to jerk-off now and he wants nothing to w/helping, I am soo tired I couldn't get hard. Gives me some polyester slacks prolly 2 sizes (if not bigger) to wear I forget wht shirt, sure it was a button-up. Gave me that crap to wear out in public to a diner. Next thing I notice is he and a waiter making nods of approval to each other.
    But I wasn't walking on my blistered feet, and the next morning he offered me a ride, but I could feel the destination hanging out there. Think he might've said something to likes of, "how good I am on the ride" as to how far I would get. On Interstate 85N., for about 10minutes, and I faint down like I was gonna give car head,, and just about the time he was "knowing" he was about to get some head, I pulled back up and my street smarts and nerves gathered about back to me, I just looked and gestured nah, this ain't happening. Then that is when he says," I guess I'll give ya a ride home" w/something about, even though bs about no car head.
    About 2 months later, a crazy idea came over me to go back, and I did,, I remembered how to get to his house (I had a traveling job, on the road working town to town 9 months of the year, sometimes more). Complete surprise for him, for his son was completely against his father's sexuality. Told him I needed some money, forget about why, think he gave about $175 and told me I had to leave b4 his son came home. This was the 2nd time I had unwilling homosexual
    experience w/me getting cock in my ass.
  6. JustALittleCurious

    JustALittleCurious Porno Junky

    Jun 9, 2019
    No but I fantasized about it a lot
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  7. jim97

    jim97 Sex Machine

    Feb 29, 2016
    You’re back!! PM me!
    1. JustALittleCurious
      probs not for long sorry Im only here for a few minutes
      JustALittleCurious, Nov 1, 2020