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Is Arm Holdings a smart way to play the booming AI market? Experts break down 2023's biggest IPO, and why you should invest with caution.

semiconductor manufacturing robot
ARM's IPO is set to be the biggest yet of 2023. PhonlamiPhoto/Getty Images
  • Shares of the chip designer Arm Holdings priced at $51 per share in their IPO.
  • The stock is going public after Softbank failed to sell the company to Nvidia last year.
  • Arm is an essential part of the AI ecosystem, and its debut is the biggest of 2023 so far.

A key player in AI is stepping into the spotlight.

Arm Holdings, the British semiconductor and software maker, is set to go public on Thursday in the biggest initial public offering of 2023.

Excitement and the market for artificial intelligence have soared this year. Bank of America expects AI to become a $900 billion business within the next three years, while Congress is determining how best to regulate it.

On paper, Arm seems like a perfect fit for investors hungry to profit from AI. But some on Wall Street are worried that Arm insiders are the only ones who will be making any money, and the retail investors who try to jump onto the AI bandwagon with the Arm IPO may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Here's what the investing pros have to say about Arm's IPO, and if it's a good buy now.

What is Arm Holdings, what does it do, and why did it IPO?

This isn't the first time Arm shares have been available to the public. Arm originally IPO'd in 1997, with the stock riding out the dot-com bubble before heading higher in the mid-2000s on the back of the fast-growing mobile phone market.

SoftBank Group took the company private in 2016 to the tune of $32 billion. Since then, SoftBank has spurred Arm to grow quickly, expanding its CPU offerings into multiple arenas including tablets and TVs but its core business is still the mobile phone market. In its F-1 filing to go public, Arm said its CPUs "run the vast majority of the world's software."

To be clear, Arm doesn't build semiconductors in the same way that, say, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company does. Instead, Arm focuses on designing the architecture of CPUs — or in layman's terms, it designs the key components of a CPU for other companies to produce themselves. Its business is predicated on licensing and royalties.

So, while the company may not be a semiconductor manufacturer per se, it can still profit from the AI boom thanks to the skyrocketing demand for computing power and the chips that power computers. After all, with more AI-enabled technology proliferating markets will come a greater need for advanced processors like the kind that Arm develops.

Considering the hype behind AI and the boost any stocks remotely connected to it have received this year, it's no surprise that SoftBank chose to take Arm public now. 

The Japanese investment manager had wanted to sell Arm to Nvidia for $40 billion 2020, but the deal fell apart in 2022 as Arm's customers rebelled and regulatory scrutiny tanked the acquisition. However, that may be a blessing in disguise for insiders, who will see the company valued at an even higher price as it heads to the public market. 

Everything you need to know about Arm's IPO

ARM announced on Wednesday that it had priced its 95.5 million shares at $51, the top end of the $47 to $51 range that it had marketed. This valued the company at $54.5 billion per Bloomberg's calculations, below SoftBank's recent valuation of $64 billion earlier this year.

While price is important, what is more interesting to many market watchers is how many shares will actually be for sale.

SoftBank was expected to offer only 10% of existing shares to the public. That's an unusually tiny float for such a highly anticipated IPO, and the small size may ramp up demand to unprecedented levels, setting the stage for a sudden burst upwards in share price.

In addition, Arm has declared it will reserve approximately $735 million worth of shares for so-called "cornerstone investors," which include some of the company's biggest customers like Apple, Google, AMD, Samsung, and Nvidia.

Seth Farbman, an IPO expert and the chairman of VStock Transfer, said the concentrated ownership of so much of Arm in the hands of so few "might be a point of contention for some potential investors." But in the case of the cornerstone customers, interested investors should see their participation as a good sign.

"Yet, a powerful vote of confidence comes from major tech players like Nvidia, Samsung, Intel, Google, and Apple. They aren't just investing financially but are essentially endorsing ARM's pivotal role in the tech future," Farbman wrote in an email to Insider.

Matt Bryson, a Wedbush Securities analyst, agreed that the small float and concentrated ownership may give some pause, but he's not particularly perturbed. He drew a parallel to another stock, Globalfoundries (GFS), that went public in 2021 and had a similar situation.

"As such, even though Arm is arguably pricing at a rich valuation using FY'24 or FY'25 numbers, we believe as with GFS, there is strong probability that the scarcity of available shares combined with a model that looks increasingly attractive in the out years (given assumed sales growth and margin gains) could allow Arm to lift from its initial IPO price," Bryson wrote in a September 11 note to clients.

As for the timing of the IPO, Peter C. Earle, an economist at the American Institute for Economic Research, worries that "these are not the optimal economic conditions for a public offering."

"We've got a considerable credit contraction underway, stubborn inflation, and a handful of assets which are more competitive than they have been in years against equity returns," he wrote to Insider. "On the other hand, there's nothing hotter than AI right now, and the small float of this offering – about 10 percent of the total shares – will probably squeeze valuations north."

Should investors buy shares of Arm Holdings now?

With that said, investors itching to buy Arm and capitalize on the AI boom may want to take a moment before pressing the buy button.

Then again, while most analysts wait for a newly public company to report its first set of earnings before making a call on the stock, such is the excitement surrounding Arm that it has already received its first 'buy' rating.

Bryson, however, is more cautious about buying at today's price.

"The valuation will look rich vs. historic numbers, but projected revenue, and even more importantly margin gains, over the next few years should lead to ARM being valued at far more reasonable levels," Bryson wrote.

Indeed, much of Bryson's analysis has less to do with Arm's business today and the price that shares debuted at, and more to do with where the company is heading in the future.

Earle agrees with that assessment. "It's been a lousy year for IPOs, but this one could not only buck the trend but pave the way for a few other courageous firms to sell stock," he wrote. "The fundamental question is and will always be: what are realistic expectations for future growth, and how should valuations reflect those?"

With that in mind, Bryson broke down Arm's operating margins and revenue projections to get an idea of what a fair valuation for the stock would look like. Arm management believes the company can increase revenue by 11% in fiscal year 2024 and push it into the mid-20% range by 2025 thanks to the AI boom. Bryson agrees with this assessment and anticipates that Arm's operating margin will rise to 50% in fiscal year 2024 given its history, as well as the combination of lower R&D expenses and higher sales in the months ahead.

All told, Bryson believes that Arm should see EPS of approximately $1.40 in fiscal year 2025, giving it a forward earnings multiple of somewhere in the mid-30s today. 

That would make Arm stock impressively expensive compared to peers in the tech sector. "This valuation for instance would imply Arm is more expensive than the most expensive semiconductor company in our coverage, NVDA, which is trading at 30X our FY2025 estimates (and we are using a mid -30s multiple to calculate its price target)," Bryson wrote.

That said, while Arm shares are looking expensive today, if the company lives up to its high expectations, then the price begins to look more reasonable. 

"The valuation will look rich vs. historic numbers, but projected margin gains over the next few years would lead to ARM being valued at far more reasonable levels (assuming those gains are realized)," Bryson wrote.

Looking ahead, however, investors need to be wary of how dependent on China Arm is. Bryson noted that China accounted for approximately 25% of sales in fiscal year 2023 and 21% of sales in the first fiscal quarter of 2024, making the chip wars between the US and China Arm's biggest risk factor.

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