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  1. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    I’m glad you reminded me of that :)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. dinny

    dinny Bot sez wha?

    Mar 17, 2009
    Between the time I go to bed and the time I get up somebody keeps moving my phone, car keys, wallet and my rescue inhaler.:O_o: I told my wife and she asked me where I had them last? If I knew that I would be looking for the damn things, would I?:shifty:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. luv2be.evil420
      No, you found them already and are still looking for the cardio workout lol
      luv2be.evil420, Jul 15, 2023
      Beavereator likes this.
  3. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I leaned that there is such a thing as $500 pillows. Who would spend that on one pillow!?! Is it made out of golden feathers? Sheesh.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
    1. luv2be.evil420
      I once saw a shower curtain for $15,000!
      Gold, Silver, Platinum, and silk were involved I believe. Must be nice
      luv2be.evil420, Jul 15, 2023
      Cherrypop likes this.
    2. 1 Toy Maker
      It's the one place I spend excessive amounts of money in my house. My bed. It is after all the place you will spend the most time in your life.
      1 Toy Maker, Jul 26, 2023
      Cherrypop and luv2be.evil420 like this.
  4. aesopstails

    aesopstails Ridiculously Happy

    Jun 21, 2008
    We’ve never had a big problem with ants, but we suddenly have TONS of ant hills around the borders of our lawn and planting beds. The gardener says is due to the drought and extreme heat. He knows I like to use as few chemicals as possible, so we’ve been pouring boiling water on them, but they’re still coming back right away.
    A friend told me today that ants hate the smell of coffee, so we should sprinkle coffee grounds around liberally. I had never heard that before, but I’m hoping it works!
    • Like Like x 1
    1. crhurricane
      Salt will keep em away, but won't help the lawn or garden. So that's a mute point.
      A nieghbor was watching me use ortho on the fire ants, he tells me that it'll kill em, but they come back smaller. I kinda took it with a smile, but swear it happens, each time they get smaller, and smaller.
      crhurricane, Jul 13, 2023
      aesopstails likes this.
    2. aesopstails
      Similarly, vinegar is often recommended for killing weeds, but it will also kill your grass and plants. We only use it on weeds near the garage or driveway.
      I’m just hoping we can get rid of these damned ants before they get inside the house!
      aesopstails, Jul 13, 2023
    3. crhurricane
      That's where the salt can help, doorsteps etc.
      crhurricane, Jul 13, 2023
    4. luv2be.evil420
      I have a weed guy for my yard...when it does finally rain here, those weeds are like super powered PCP and they run wild!
      luv2be.evil420, Jul 15, 2023
    5. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      I had an ugly lawn, which included a huge network of ants. I’d heard that pouring gasoline in a few of the hills and letting it soak for a day, then repeating for up to a week then on the 7th day drop a match would work.

      I waited until after dark. The light underground when the fumes lit up was amazing. Didn’t have a problem with ants after that. Of course, didn’t have grass a few weeks later, either.

      That was ok. I had the lawn and dirt dug up, professional commercial insecticide applied, and then new soil was placed and leveled. After three weeks of whatever fertilizer they applied and watering, had 6,000 sqft of St Augustine Floratam laid.

      It’s been ant and bug free for the past four years.
  5. DDDC

    DDDC Newcumer

    Jul 10, 2023
    I learned one of my neighbors has a sexy OF account
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. PFR54

    PFR54 Sex Lover

    Feb 27, 2023
    Yes I learned from the thread 'whsy does BBC stand for? " That butthole beats cunt
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. luv2be.evil420
      That's a good one :hilarious:
      luv2be.evil420, Jul 15, 2023
  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter learned that cemeteries have no legal obligation to inter remains entrusted to them in a respectful manner.
    All they are required to do is inter according to a contract.
    Respect is not in most contracts.

    What this means is, they can drop the remains in any old hole and cover it up. Face up, face down, sideways, wet, muddy or unsealed.
    No requirements.
    • Like Like x 1
    • wtf wtf x 1
    1. mstrman
      Is this in your state? Reason as a funeral Director here, by state law, that's not true. Directors are licensed here and so are owners of cemeteries.
      Past Director.
      mstrman, Jul 15, 2023
  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    An issue we are dealing with concerning Shooters brother who died almost 2 years ago.
    Some sketchy shit and differing stories about when they received the remains, what they did with them, and where they are now.
    • Empathize Empathize x 3
    1. luv2be.evil420
      That's a rough thing to deal with on top of the loss, my condolences.
      Hopefully you get clarity eventually, but it's hard to forgive that kind of disrespect
      luv2be.evil420, Jul 16, 2023
    2. crhurricane
      No one should have to deal with that. Hope things work out for the better.
      crhurricane, Jul 16, 2023
      luv2be.evil420 likes this.
    3. 1 Toy Maker
      Cremate me and fart me into the wind.
      1 Toy Maker, Jul 26, 2023
      luv2be.evil420 likes this.
  9. vincenzz

    vincenzz Porn Star

    Aug 6, 2006
    • Funny Funny x 5
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Justlikethat

    Justlikethat Useful tool

    Mar 31, 2019
    I don’t think I have but I’ll know better tomorrow .
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I learned that the jacket I thought was waterproof really isn’t.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
    1. Justlikethat
      Justlikethat, Aug 11, 2023
      Cherrypop likes this.
    2. 1 Toy Maker
      One to many golden showers?
      1 Toy Maker, Aug 11, 2023
  12. Guido71

    Guido71 Porn Star

    Feb 12, 2022
    I ve learnt my new neighbour,she is divorced,with two kids.She looks hot,so I hope it will be a nice story...
  13. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    Through research for a blog, I learned that there has been a subtle shift in the Top Five Cybersecurity threats in 2023. It is called 'Compliance Dips in Security' (coming in at #3) which basically means that over the last few years, the number of qualified technicians in IT services is way down, leaving IT companies - and 'In-house' IT who have not fully utilized automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) woefully understaffed to deal with cybersecurity issues.

    Who knew? The Managed IT Services company that I work for has almost twice as many techs than we did in 2020. It's cool - this is the kind of thing that helps separate the 'wheat from the chaff.'
  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Saw where the suicide rate in America was higher in 2022 than ever before.
  15. dinny

    dinny Bot sez wha?

    Mar 17, 2009
    After reading Mr. Steele's latest post on better or worse because of the net, I started thinking back on how it was in the good old days. After much consideration I realized that before the internet we used to be like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed bullshit. Since the inception of the internet, we're still mushrooms, we just have more bullshit available to consume.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. crhurricane
      I guess like any funguy, there are some really good ones, some OK ones, than some will kill ya.
      crhurricane, Aug 13, 2023
      dinny likes this.
  16. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I’m scared to be happy. I feel like there’s a cosmic boot waiting to kick my ass as soon as everything feels like it might be ok in my life.
    • Empathize Empathize x 3
    1. View previous comments...
    2. dinny
      That's normal. It passes Cherry... go out and indulge in a guilty pleasure.
      dinny, Aug 13, 2023
      Cherrypop likes this.
    3. Luv2LiqU
      But you deserve to be happy! You make everyone around you happy! :)
      Luv2LiqU, Aug 14, 2023
      phxbi_bear80 and hornybigguy68 like this.
  17. phxbi_bear80

    phxbi_bear80 Abu el Banat

    May 29, 2019
    I've learned that no matter how bad you want to, you can't make someone do something their not ready to do...
    It's nothing new, but I still seem to find myself falling for it every time. In this instance, a friend's daughter is falling hard into drugs like so many others and he is worried that he will lose her.
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. phxbi_bear80
      phxbi_bear80, Aug 13, 2023
      dinny likes this.
    3. crhurricane
      All you can do, at times, is watch, as much as it hurts, people will walk their own path. In a situation like that, people try to push their influence on them, as rightful as entented it can push them away. There will be a time when the need to be loved may be the only think to save them, don't lose that. Not saying to condone the behavior, but let the person know they have not been abandoned.
      crhurricane, Aug 14, 2023
      dinny and phxbi_bear80 like this.
    4. phxbi_bear80
      I know it's true, but I'm extreme at times and blinded by my passion and fury...just wins out sometimes
      phxbi_bear80, Aug 14, 2023
      dinny likes this.
    5. crhurricane
      Can understand that, after the fact, all that's left is "what ifs". No matter how it ends, they will be in your heart. Better to have them here, then gone, trust in that, I have lived it.
      crhurricane, Aug 14, 2023
      phxbi_bear80 and dinny like this.
    6. phxbi_bear80
      Truer words were never spoken!
      phxbi_bear80, Aug 14, 2023
  18. Loveeatingass

    Loveeatingass Voluptuous Lover

    Jun 18, 2018
    I’ve learned that, I love to eat females ass mmm
    • Agree Agree x 1