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Am I pervert?

  1. yes

  2. no

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. kouleurkaramel

    kouleurkaramel Newcumer

    Jul 16, 2018
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this forum. This is my first thread. And I came here for it, to ask for your advice/opinion.

    I'm 35, and have a female cousin 3 yo younger than me.
    When we were around 17, we were running in the garden with a dog, and I was kidding her then she fell on the grass and I fell on her. This was the first time I was so close to her, even laying on her boobs, and we froze, like what the hell is hapening...? Why am I attracted? We were close to kiss. But we stopped there. And I explain her later on that I would have done something if she was not my cousin.
    Few weeks ago, we had this family reunion in France. She came with her boyfriend, a cool guy.
    But it's like she is still attracted sometimes the way she look at me, but it's very discreet. And me too by the way...
    She took the opportunity to invite me to come with her on an island to spend a week during this summer, his boyfriend not being with her because of work.

    I'm wondering if I should go.
    Any advice or experience feedback?
    Women also, you're very welcome. Because I don't know what is happening there... However I have to admit that I want to fuck her sometimes, or maybe just lick her.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. kmtoplay
      I was in a similar situation many many years ago. I personally elected not to go on a weekend visit with her because I did have strong feelings for her and knew that I would push for something to happen. But that was my decision you have to go with your gut on this. If it just to stick it to your cousin then maybe consider the backlash if it is found out. If there is something more for both of you then well that is a different conversation that only the two of you can get to the bottom of. Good luck. I understand your dilemma.
      kmtoplay, Jul 17, 2018
  2. Boots33

    Boots33 Porn Surfer

    Mar 27, 2009
    1st or 2nd cousin
    1. Jack Mine
      Did you happen to take a look at the title of the thread? Seriously!
      Jack Mine, Jul 16, 2018
  3. kouleurkaramel

    kouleurkaramel Newcumer

    Jul 16, 2018
    1rst cousin
  4. kouleurkaramel

    kouleurkaramel Newcumer

    Jul 16, 2018
    @verofrank and no regret after having done it?
    1. Jack Mine
      He was a teen, not fuckin 35!
      Jack Mine, Jul 16, 2018
  5. Hawktalon

    Hawktalon Sex Machine

    May 5, 2018
    Just go on vacation. Atleast you will spend time to catch up. Just control your roll. Dont make things worse by tryin to follow your pecker.
  6. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    You're 35 fuckin years old! The slightest thing gave me a boner when I was 17. But you know what? I grew the fuck up! God forbid she just wants to get acquainted again with her cousin, who happens to be still a teenager?
  7. E DOG

    E DOG Porn Star

    Dec 22, 2016
    yeah go on the trip and sort ur feelings out and if she wants to fuck u then rape her good lol if not and she loves her bf then at least u know. but go for it.
  8. randallgossip

    randallgossip Bad Wolf

    May 1, 2016
    I vote "Yes, but who cares; you're consenting adults now."

    My first crush was on an older cousin who babysat me. Now we're adults and she's still just as gorgeous. If I were single and she wanted to have some fun...
  9. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    but what if you're wrong.
    Then is she going to tell the rest of the family about you trying to sleep with your cousin?
    If nothing else, let her make the first move. (not encouraging just suggesting)
    1. randallgossip
      Well, I wouldn't suggest showing up with a bottle of champagne wearing only a smile :)
      randallgossip, Jul 17, 2018
      speakeasy likes this.
  10. lessifdc

    lessifdc Porn Star

    Sep 20, 2014
    Go for it. You’re both adults now so have fun.
  11. Pitchpan

    Pitchpan Amateur

    Jun 22, 2018
    If you do decide to have sex with your cousin, that is you both agree to I would take a look at the pros and cons of doing it with a relative, even if it's just a cousin. Also she does have a bf. Put your self in his shoes and then would you be OK with it if he happened to find out. If it happens at least your keeping it in the family. Good luck.
  12. nhawk700s

    nhawk700s Sex Machine

    Apr 2, 2008
    ok i'm not even gonna say any thing other than ok boys let's hear the banjo's
  13. Goldglove99

    Goldglove99 Sex Lover

    Oct 21, 2012
    It’s totally normal to have a crush on your cousin.
    1. kmtoplay
      I absolutely agree whether or not you take it further is another thing.
      kmtoplay, Jul 18, 2018
  14. kouleurkaramel

    kouleurkaramel Newcumer

    Jul 16, 2018
    When we were younger, I already admitted to her that I would have done something if she was not my cousin. She didn't react negatively. And I can feel and observe she tries to stay close to me, there is always a moment when she is alone with me and care about me.
    The problem is I don't really understand why now, when she is with someone...
    And she invited me to join her on this island officially in front of the whole family!
  15. in2doingit

    in2doingit Porn Star

    Jan 3, 2010
    Go have fun. If it happens and you want it to, Let it. Just Promise one thing.... Tell us!!!
  16. Dobal

    Dobal Sex Machine

    Jan 14, 2016
    If she said it in front of the whole family, means more family is going too, You don't need to worry about it.