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  1. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    Solar Power is so last Century, they now trying to convert Cosmic Rays. Think they're here, they're there, they're Everywhere and not even lead can stop them.
    Not darlithium crystals but Cosmic Power.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Matter transformation unit.
    Makes solar look like a coal lamp.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    • Winner Winner x 3
    1. overdoneone
      "Come listen to a story 'bout a man named Jed"
      overdoneone, Jun 17, 2021
      Odins own, FuntimeFla and dinny like this.
    2. FuntimeFla
      Stupid mother fucker barely kept his family fed
      then one day while fucking Ellie may,
      Up from his dick came a bubbling spray
      Jizz that iz !
      Next thing you know Ellie's big and fat,
      Granny says take a look at that!
      Jed says there is only one thing to do
      So they got a coat hanger and run it through and through
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
      overdoneone and Odins own like this.
    3. Odins own
      Your a sick puppy....
      Odins own, Jun 21, 2022
      overdoneone likes this.
  4. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    California and other states may have to shut down Hydro electric plants due to a lack of water ! Solar gonna look big in Cali now !
    • Like Like x 2
    1. dinny
      Folks'll have plenty of power but nothin' to drink.
      dinny, Apr 20, 2022
      Odins own and paulavettbrothers like this.
    2. Odins own
      Like demented Joe wants to use OUR FOOD (corn) for fuel, 22 pounds of corn to make 1 gallon of ethanol. Now do the math on that one.
      Odins own, Jun 21, 2022
  5. cussin joe

    cussin joe Porno Junky

    Dec 12, 2020
    how do they figure your excess power?
    1. FuntimeFla
      Not known yet, still in talks !
      FuntimeFla, Jun 19, 2021
    2. FuntimeFla
      It's done by net metering, It's a different kind of meter they connect up that differentiates what you are using vs, what you are producing.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
  6. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Ok , My Solar Array has finally been installed, took a few months to get all the credit and engineering as to where it would work best , and all the building permits and particulars arranged, but it has now been installed and awaiting the local Power inspector to give them the OK to flip the switch, which will hopefully be in a week or so !
    I had to Put on a new Roof, but not because of solar, there were problems I was not aware of . So I got a new Roof, and in my case had the Solar installed with ground mounts. It cost a little more, but the production should be better and I wont have to remove them should i need again to work on the roof. In addition my house roof angles were all wrong, and so were my shops roof angled wrong way to be effective. Thus the ground mounts, which I preffered anyway! The Roof and Solar are wrapped up in one nice 25 year loan at 2%, with roof having Lifetime guarentee!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    1. Roger Mitchell
      Just got a propane generator installed I'm by Gainesville
      Roger Mitchell, Nov 16, 2021
      FuntimeFla likes this.
    2. FuntimeFla
      Oh kewl nor far away, I assume though thats for hurricane powers shutdown?
      FuntimeFla, Nov 16, 2021
  7. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Considering that I got this contracted and signed right before Bidens Inflation, I'm hoping I'm ahead of the game because I'm betting electric bills will increase sooner than expected, but my power usage will be pretty much the same, but my payment will be a constant! In addition I'm looking very seriously into an F150 Lightning in the next year or two. If I can power not only my house, but my ride to work, I can save quite a bit of money to afford these investments , that will work out well in the long term!
  8. Roger Mitchell

    Roger Mitchell Sex Machine

    Mar 30, 2019
    Yes out in the woods,have home oxygen generator that needs electric 24+7
    • Like Like x 1
    1. FuntimeFla
      FuntimeFla, Nov 16, 2021
  9. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020

    My system is finally up and running ( somewhat ) after much more time than I thought it should take. HOWEVER there is a nationwide shortage of Net meters. My local power Co-op, has allowed us to turn them on without the net meters, and I am waiting my turn to get the net meter. In the mean time according to the electric co-op, during the day, the system will stall the current meter ( to a point ) depending what I am using. I have found this to be true by watching the meter. So I am getting some benefit while waiting on the Net meter installation. I have found that it will run 3 TV's, the fridge, a couple lights and the A/C and water pump during the day. Due to the lack of Net meters, I'm not going to get what I should, but the Co-op is getting benefit as well as I at the moment.
    In another month or so I will probably be able to comment more about my electric bill.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. FuntimeFla
      Why? I can provide them but for what purpose? It would seem that my electric bill pictures would be more useful! or pictures of my meter! I don't need to prove to you that I bought a Solar power system by showing "YOU" a picture of it ! I could show you picture of anybody's system! I'm sure as hell not going to show you a picture of my financial commitment to the Finance company!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 19, 2022
    3. 1 Toy Maker
      Dude are you on crack?
      If you don't want to post a picture for the interested people just say your not comfortable with posting pictures.
      1 Toy Maker, Apr 19, 2022
    4. FuntimeFla
      I will make a limited apology. People here appear to not believe others unless some source or picture is provided. I am a "Bill of Rights" absolutist. I don't owe you a picture of me or any of my shit. You have not established any rapport with me, for me to want to send you pics! Perhaps if you displayed to me some interest in getting one, then I might be more inclined to make the effort to display some pics.

      P.S. I am not on crack, some might consider me an alcoholic, however I don't attend meetings, I am just a frequent recreational user, and I have often stated that I like my drink! I am a Grumpy old man, turn 60 in a couple months, and will be an official Geezer!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 20, 2022
    5. 1 Toy Maker
      Okay thanks.
      Now can I please see the pics because I'm interested?
      1 Toy Maker, Apr 20, 2022
    6. FuntimeFla
      I'll take some this weekend.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 22, 2022
  10. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    I went through HELL with my Solar contractor SunPro ! The worst bunch of dipshits I have ever had to deal with in my life! Seems these kids nowdays have no ethic, and worse the Indian woman who was in charge of my Installation constantly told me lies ! I finally told her she was fired by me from my installation. My neighbor whom I did not know at the time also got a system from them, and had to endure same bullshit! We were going to Sue. But SunPro merged with ADT, and the bullshit appears to be getting right!
    I still believe in Solar Power, I think it's the best resource there is! Govt Power entities resist
  11. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Govt. Established Power companies hate Solar, so they propogandize political bullshit to derail it! Solar is our only chance to eliminate an electric bill and go green! Political forces resist, as do public utilities !
    I think I got in at the right time, guess we will see!
  12. StrawberryCupcake

    StrawberryCupcake ⭐️Cheese Tease⭐️

    Jun 7, 2018
    60F5C936-2ED7-416B-873B-D185819051A5.gif 60F5C936-2ED7-416B-873B-D185819051A5.gif
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. dinny
      Ahh, the name says it all... no apology necessary.
      dinny, Apr 21, 2022
      StrawberryCupcake likes this.
    3. FuntimeFla
      Ok Cupcake! just tell me where?
      FuntimeFla, Apr 22, 2022
      StrawberryCupcake likes this.
    4. FuntimeFla
      Well one exception, I will not bite your toes, I am so turned off by women who walk around barefoot with dirty feet !
      FuntimeFla, Apr 22, 2022
      StrawberryCupcake likes this.
    5. StrawberryCupcake
      StrawberryCupcake, Apr 22, 2022
      mstrman likes this.
    6. FuntimeFla
      Not going to happen
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
  13. paulavettbrothers

    paulavettbrothers Xnxx lifer

    Apr 30, 2021
  14. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    How cute... You think that's how this all works? lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    1. FuntimeFla
      I know that is not how Solar Power works! But at least I can brag that I own an entire "Solar System" !
      FuntimeFla, Apr 22, 2022
    2. deegenerate
      My comment was that's not how the forum works.
      You post what you want,
      People respond how they want.

      Easy peasy!
      deegenerate, Apr 22, 2022
      mstrman, Volt_4 and paulavettbrothers like this.
    3. paulavettbrothers
      GD is such a shit show! Your tits are amazing Dee!
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 22, 2022
      Volt_4 and deegenerate like this.
    4. deegenerate
      I agree, it is! lol
      And thank you!
      deegenerate, Apr 22, 2022
      paulavettbrothers and Volt_4 like this.
    5. paulavettbrothers
      We REALLY need to catch up! I miss you! Sorry I’ve been gone. My life is a shit show. Lol
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 24, 2022
  15. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    Just not enough sunny days here in Michigan, along with trees causing shade on parts of the roof.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. FuntimeFla
      ^^^^^^^ Funny! I like my trees, when I bought my house, the seller's realtor was all too eager to cut down the trees, I told my realtor I wont buy it if they cut down any trees, I want the shade, that is what keeps the power bill down. By that time it was already under contract, I told her spend the renovation money on the building, I have the rest of my life to do what I want with the yard. I knew the real deal, somebody had their eyes on the Cedar and Oak lumber!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
    3. paulavettbrothers
      I wish I would have planted some trees when I bought my place. It’s pretty much an open 4 acres. But I like it. You know what they about when is the best time to plant a tree @FuntimeFla?
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 23, 2022
    4. FuntimeFla
      Springtime, I went to Paul Smiths Forestry College in upstate New York. You want to plant your trees after there will be no chance of freeze, and pack the dirt well, then run a lot of water to make sure the soil coagulates around the roots, if you get too much air, you will get root rot, and it will die. The water will force the air out and draw the dirt in.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
    5. paulavettbrothers
      No! The correct answer is 20 years ago! Lol. But forestry school is pretty cool.
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 23, 2022
    6. FuntimeFla
      Lolz, yeah maybe if you want fruit trees, nut trees, or mulberry trees to produce, or pine for cheap lumber. The Cedar and Oak trees I have are probably 100 plus years old. The 2 Cedar trees next to the house are straight as can be and at least 70 feet tall and 2 foot+ in Diameter. I also have 3 or 4 Oaks probably 150 years or more at least 2.5 foot diameter. I have some new oaks growing that are about 20 ft tall, and some about a foot tall that I'm avoiding mowing, so that new growth happens. The way I see it, If I ever get in a financial jam, I can sell those trees for lumber. Cedar that size, height, and straight, should get a pretty good price. Hardwood is pricey, the softwood pines that everything is made of now days is crap lumber
      FuntimeFla, Apr 24, 2022
      Lioness likes this.
  16. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    My wife answered a solar power Ad, we had two different companies show up at the same time, they argued with each other...then told us what they offered in roof installation, and had my wife's interest, they dont have. No longer interested...besides at our age!
    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. tenguy
      AND you would have let them get on YOUR roof!

      Wait a minute, maybe they could fix that skylight.
      tenguy, Apr 21, 2022
    2. Dearelliot
      Only one of us here ever thought that would work,
      Dearelliot, Apr 21, 2022
    3. FuntimeFla
      I put mine in the yard , the roof angles were all wrong. It cost a little more, but not too much more. But I have enough property to accomodate it. Not where I really wanted it, but probably most effective where it is.
      With some caulking and some other building materials I can probably make a storage shed of sorts out of the construct.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 22, 2022
      Dearelliot likes this.
    4. Dearelliot
      Some of my neighbors have that...At my age I cant see why I would even consider it...my wife didn't agree but does now.
      Dearelliot, Apr 22, 2022
  17. paulavettbrothers

    paulavettbrothers Xnxx lifer

    Apr 30, 2021
    You need to be planning on being in your home about 20 years to get any benefits from solar.
    1. Dearelliot
      Fat chance for us.
      Dearelliot, Apr 22, 2022
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
    2. paulavettbrothers
      Me too.
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 23, 2022
    3. FuntimeFla
      Here was the thing! Most of us older than 40 know full well that costs increase over time, with or without inflation. My actual electric usage is not going to change much unless I somehow increase my energy usage. So, I am trading a 25 year payment at 2% interest, ( a new roof is part of the deal ), to supply my own electric, with the maint covered, ( except I have to keep the panels clean for optimal performance ). For the next 25 years I will have the same payment for my electricity, which 25 years from now might be $800 a month for all I know. My payment is around $170 a month and that includes the new roof. I get about 8 grand for a tax rebate for doing it.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
    4. paulavettbrothers
      $170 sounds like a great deal. My electric bill has remained stable, at about $230 a month. Just under 1900 sq ft. It would probably be lower if I could get my son to stop the damn 50 minute showers!
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 23, 2022
    5. FuntimeFla
      Do what the Navy does, put a chain in the shower that he has to pull for the water to spray, that way he is not jerking himself off in the shower!
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
  18. naughtyguy4u

    naughtyguy4u Traveling Vaginal Dilator Therapist

    Mar 13, 2016
    Just another fire hazard to have around the house.
    Keep a co2 extinguisher handy!
    1. FuntimeFla
      Its 100 feet away and runs on DC, not much of a fire threat.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 23, 2022
  19. naughtyguy4u

    naughtyguy4u Traveling Vaginal Dilator Therapist

    Mar 13, 2016
    All batteries are DC.
    Fire hazard increases when they are clustered/packed.
    Every time you add a cell the chances of thermal runaway increases. Rare yes, but will happen more once more people install them.
    They are developing an AC battery which they say is smaller and safer.
    Around here a grass fire can take your house and a few neighbors, so 100ft is nothing.

    just saying for me the aesthetics, price, and hazards.
    They can keep them.
    1. tenguy
      If you are referring to AC Biode, it really isn’t a true ac battery it is simply two dc batteries with a set of diodes to switch them alternately.
      tenguy, Apr 24, 2022
      naughtyguy4u likes this.
    2. FuntimeFla
      I don't have the batteries, much as I would like to in case a hurricane takes out the power.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 24, 2022
  20. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    I was surprised by the number and size of solar panel arrays in the coastal plain in North Carolina. Those near the Alligator River in particular.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. paulavettbrothers
      When those arrays need to be replaced where do they go? How are they safely kept somewhere? They aren’t.
      paulavettbrothers, Apr 24, 2022
    2. FuntimeFla
      Thats a joke right? They are not nuclear spent rods.
      FuntimeFla, Apr 25, 2022