First sentence and you already got personal with me, by implying that smth is wrong with my life. Nice dude, Very decent behavior from your side)
Upset? Lol) Just telling my honest opinion about the game. Do you write this bs to everyone who criticize game that you like?) If I feel smth about the game, its dissapointment for the lost time and a little bit of cringe.
But there is rule about avn's - its to have adult content

Dev published this game here on F95 and not on some non-adult VN resource, there is no tag "no sexual content" and dev himself explained that there will be adult content with time, but mc still a virgin and as dev wrote - game soon will be finished, lol)
Then check websites with non-adult VN's and stop your empty white knighting. You liked the game and I didn't, but Im not attacking you and implying that smth wrong with you
Lol what?) Do I need some sort of privilege or permission to have opinion about people based on their specific trait or behavior? Of course not. Its some sort of Orwell's 1984 stuff you wrote right now
Its great that you get it. Really) But thats a thing, we are on ADULT resource. Games here fictional and delusional in the sake of a lot of fucking in the most diverse settings and fetishes, but this game delusional in the absolutely opposite direction, where if we put people from irl in the same situations and relationships, they already would be fucking each other or someone else, but not in this game no, because its have sooooo "realistic" story, serious setting and shiiieeet
I treat adult games with understanding, I know that they made by non professional average people like me, more or less. I make huge discounts on account of storytelling, writing, logic, behavior etc. Because core of those games is sex, porn, hot fucking, chose what you like) But if game tries to be something more I will treat it as such. Plot, behavior, world logic here the same level as in any other AVN, nothing mindblowing or even above average, except that this game doesnt have "core"(sex) for those types of games to be entertaining. Its just lame and badly written story, especially in compare to actual literature. For a porn game "A father sin's" have great story and setting, for actual
STORY DRIVEN SUPERNATURAL THRILLER its lame and low quality product.
And I hope that you will grow up and behave for your own age and stop trying to insult people with your passive-aggreasive bs just because they criticize game that you like)
You too pal, you too)