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  1. Suze3221

    Suze3221 Her Crankiness

    Oct 2, 2008
    Found yourself a new adversary Rico? I don't fancy your chances...

    I'll bet your blood is pumping to places it's not been in a while!

    And controversial as it is coming from a female, I agree with CT and Bill...:eek:
  2. Suze3221

    Suze3221 Her Crankiness

    Oct 2, 2008
    Yes, I agree with that...if you don't want the guy involved that's your choice as long as you doesn't expect the guy to financially support the sprog... But that's being simplistic in regards to the matter.

    Just because a guy doesn't want to have a child with a certain person doesn't mean he doesn't want to have a child with anyone...
  3. oldiegoody

    oldiegoody In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 15, 2007
    Seems to me, I remember that Jonathan Swift wrote something related to this subject!:cool::excited::excited::excited:
  4. oldiegoody

    oldiegoody In XNXX Heaven In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 15, 2007
    Just remembered. It was an essay called "A Modest Proposal" Google it.
  5. bimatt24

    bimatt24 Porn Surfer

    Aug 9, 2006

    Did this man accidentally have sex?
  6. Hau Rock

    Hau Rock Porn Star

    Jun 25, 2009
    of course not, he was just masturbating and the girl walked in and stuck her vag out when he shot...
  7. rcarson13

    rcarson13 Official Welcome Wagon In XNXX Heaven

    May 5, 2008

    I agree!
  8. twofeathers

    twofeathers Dreamcatcher

    Jul 2, 2009

    As men we have to accept our responsabilty and to protect ourselves from the possibilities of child support.

    If we choose to trust that the women is on birth control and she becomes with child we have to step up and give the child a father and pay child support.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2009
  9. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009

    Thank you again Twofeathers:kiss::rose:... this is the second time in one day I may hve to give u somethin an no it won't be a baby.LMAO

    Speaking of babies.. Damn to hell all the boys out there who can't stand up like theirs dicks do and support the life that they have brought into this world and raise the child as their own..

    And yes I said boys no real man would let his child
    A. Be raised by another stand up man,
    B. Let their child live with the ridicule of not having a father,
    C. Let their child be a statistic of the bullshit...If ur dick stands up then so should you....

    An as for the child support think about this 30% of you paycheck goes to that child everytime your paid(State of Illinois Child Suppot Division)...don't u think u would want to know where that goes..
  10. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    I've always been of the opinion that if you're not prepared to have children, you shouldn't have sex. No, that doesn't mean you only have sex in order to have children; just that if you're going to do it, you should understand that pregnancy is always a possibility. If you're not willing or able to take on that kind of responsibility, don't have sex.

    That said, I can see a couple of scenarios where the man shouldn't be legally responsible. These aren't just hypothetical stories, by the way.

    Case 1: The woman lies and says she's on the pill when she's actually not. In my opinion, he shouldn't have to pay for her deception.

    Case 2: She rapes him. In the case I read about, they were at a party but didn't even know each other. He got drunk, passed out, and they put him in one of the bedrooms upstairs to let him sleep it off. She decided to pay him a little visit that night. He pretty much slept through the whole thing.

    Case 3: They're married, but he discovers she's been sleeping around, and divorces her. Before that happens, however, she gets pregnant. It's unclear who the father really is.

    And yes, all of the cases above went to trial, and the judge said that the man was responsible and had to pay child support. In Case 3, I don't remember why they didn't just get a paternity test.
  11. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    but why stay in a relationship that would only make one hate the other just for the kid?
    just pay support and go your own way.there is NO law saying the guy has to stay with the woman and child,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:rolleyes:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:rolleyes:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:cool:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. twofeathers

    twofeathers Dreamcatcher

    Jul 2, 2009

    I agree with you Billblondel. Make sure you get your visitations though.:cool:
  13. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    some don't want anything to do with the woman and kid . just pay their support and be done with them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:cool:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;),
  14. naughtygirl666

    naughtygirl666 The beautiful game's Red temptress

    Jul 26, 2009
    Being a responsible for a child goes much further than 'money'. It is being playing a part in the childs life, being a role model, making that child feel safe, loved and cared for.

    I can't believe any man or woman, would have a child and then want nothing to do with it. If your bring life into this world then you should have to care for it, at the very least play some sort of role in the childs life.

    They are after all completely blameless in the situation; they never asked to be born.
  15. RedRain4

    RedRain4 I Invented Sex

    Jan 28, 2009
    So Ima go out on a limb here an say u hve issues with the mother of ur kids? But wat needs 2 be understood is that a child needs their Father Figuer in their life. It has been shown that a child is more likely 2 drop outta school and hve social isuess. Men hve no idea wat they mean 2 a child. So yes meet the kid be in their lives. It will help.
  16. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    there is much truth in this.

  17. pegasus09

    pegasus09 Porn Star

    Aug 19, 2009
    Could you change that to some men please,
  18. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006

    Case 1 is more popular than you think. especially if the man is more financially secure than the woman. its a sick and devious scam.

    in that case the woman should be solely responsible for the child
  19. SemiLunate

    SemiLunate Lill Luna Lunatic

    Aug 4, 2008
    If a woman has "unprotected" sex with a woman...then there is no baby (basic biology there folks!)
    unprotected sex with a man ... high chance of a baby.....so as men are the "loaded guns" then I dont think it is unreasonable for them to take some responsibility in providing protection. You dont walk around with a gun in your pocket without the safety on!

    Sex (unless its rape) is a two person dance. Give and take on both sides. Equal. If the sex is like that...then why shouldnt the protection be?

    Just because a bloke has a condom doesnt mean a woman shouldnt/couldnt take the pill.
    Just because a woman is on the pill doesnt mean that a man shouldnt/couldnt wear a condom.

    If the woman doesnt want the risk of getting pregnant, she should protect herself.
    If a man doesnt want to have any kids, he should protect himself.

    Whats fit for the goose is fit for the gander.